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Together, let’s chronicle the legacy of fine glass paperweights, an important chapter in the annals of art history.


Your tax deductible donations to our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation help make the Great Lakes Paperweights website and the Johne Parsley Legacy Project a reality. Monies underwrite website hosting, design and updating as well as advertising in glass-related periodicals and newsletters. Future contributions will assist to further technological advances to our website and facilitate museum acquisitions. They will also make possible a proposed electronic book that chronicles the life and work of Johne Parsley.

Daffodils:1993 by Johne Parsley was a gift donated by Betty DeKeyser to the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass.

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Make a donation through PayPal by using the button above,

or send in check to:

Great Lakes Paperweights, Ltd.

c/o Joan Parsley

157 North 87th Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53226

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